Neovim (for Linux User)
- Download
neovim, and place it inside your PATH, I would suggest rename it to
- as root Install Nodejs/yarn:
- Install plug.vim
git clone
# inside dotconfig folder
cd dotconfig
curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
cp neovim/* ~/.config/nvim/
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/plugged; mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/autoload/
- neovim/vim then
cd ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/; yarn install
, if have network troulbe , check ~/.npmrc
sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline silversearcher-ag
powerline and Ag Search
gitgutter install follow its way.
vim-fugitive for Git related cmd, follow bellow way to install.
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/pack/tpope/start
cd ~/.config/nvim/pack/tpope/start
git clone
vim -u NONE -c "helptags fugitive/doc" -c q
- when sshed from source box to target box, use vim yank copy text to source box clipboard, you should enable X11 Forward
- example host config inside
Host TargetBox
User xx
Hostname xxxxxxx
ForwardX11 yes
Vim Coding tips
- <leader> is ,
- <leader>cc, <leader>cs <leader>cu # comment and uncomment <>
- <leader>b, r, t # golang code Build,Run,Test
- [g, ]g # go to error position
- C-m, C-a # go code error switch and close
- gd,gy,gi,gr # c-o for go back
- gn,gp # switch buffer
- C-6, Buffers # Switch recent 2 buffer, List all the Buffers
- gD # open Defination window in new Tab (easily switch left and right)
- C-l,C-h,C-n #tab left, right, new
- zR, zM # Markdown fold and unfold
- K # check func doc
- % # for jump between parenthesis
- `<leader>` rn # rename golang val/func name
- code snips under ~/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-go/gosnippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets
- C-i # code snip complate
- Files, History, Commits, GFiles? , Maps, Snippets # fzf tips
- Gwrite(Gw), Gcommit, Gblame # for git operation
- Buffers(Bu) # Browse and Switch Buffers
- Colors # change colorscheme
- :Ag # for code search
- shift + Up/Down for scroll inside the preview window
- C-/ to switch on/off preview
NerdTree tips
- t,T for open new tab
- ? for help
- m-p for copy path into clipboard